4 & 5
December 2024
Palais des congrès - Paris
Meeting with the european open source community

An event proposed by

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and organized by

Infopro Digital Trade Shows

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December 06, 2023

Plenary Session

Salle Passy

Plenary session

A word from the chairmen

Jean-Luc BEYLAT, President Systematic Paris-Region Cluster
Laurent MARIE, CEO Worteks and co-chairman of the OSXP program committee
Clément OUDOT, Identity Solutions Manager Worteks and co-chairman of the OSXP program committee

Round table: Can open source be an ally for cyber security?

Brigadier General Christophe HUSSON, Commander of the Gendarmerie in cyberspace

Philippe KERYER, Director of Strategy, Research and Technology and member of the Executive Committee, Thalès

Renaud LABELLE, Deputy Director of Expertise, ANSSI

Jérôme NOTIN, Managing Director, Groupement d’Intérêt Public (GIP) ACYMA, Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr

Moderated by Delphine SABATTIER, Journalist Digital Society & AI

Address by Jean-Noël BARROT

Minister attached to the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, with responsibility for the Digital Economy

Keynote: Open source contributes to the emergence of a more responsible digital world

Veronique TORNER, President of Numeum, Co-founder and Managing Director of Alter Way (Smile group).

Open source can contribute to a more responsible use of digital technology, as it encourages code efficiency and software modularity. What’s more, open source is generally less associated with hardware obsolescence. However, this is not automatic, and even in open source environments you need to ensure that you make responsible technological choices that favor eco-design and mutualization. This remains a challenge, particularly in the fields of blockchain and generative AI.


  • Red Hat & the open source ecosystem
    Emmanuel BERNARD, Senior Dist
  • Orange France’s open source strategy
    Jérémy JOUGLET, Networks and Services CIO, Orrange France


December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

Multi-OS gathering on the same SoC to create a so called “5 fifth

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

In embedded systems we often need multi featured system : good drivers, lots of applications, cyber resilient , of course real time and still easy to use and debug.
To have this so-called “5-legged sheep” why can we combined… several sheeps ?
We will see how to create this full featured system by gathering advantages of several embedded OS on the same SoC.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153a

What the AI revolution means for Open Source, Open Tech and Open Societies

AI, Machine Learning, Data

In the last year we saw the rise of AI systems like ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Dall-E and others. This rises a lot of questions and challanges for the Open Source community. How can we make sure that the AI system are not discriminating underrepresented minorities? What is the CO2 footprint and is AI truthful. This Talk will cover the current Open Source AI features in Nextcloud that are developed by Nextcloud and also covers our Ethical AI framework. We at Nextcloud are committed to develop 100% Open Source and ethical AI systems.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Open Source to Business

Policies, Strategy & Legal

Most organizations and developper know what is Open Source and Open Core. Few of them really know the incredible playground it offers to developers and the global dynamic to which large compagnies (CAC40/Fortune 100) are already contributing. LINAGORA recently conducted a study to reinforce the “open source contribution reflex” and identify for a large organizations opportunities to give back code to the communities. During this conference Raoul Delpech will present the decision-making framework he designed, to determine the interest of giving back a project, in whole or in part, to choose an Open Source / Open Core model and its licence according to a specific competitive environment, the relationship with the Open Source foundations, and the business interest for an organization and its developers.


December 06, 2023


Salle 142

SPONSOR: Drupal security 101

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Drupal is a CMF (Content Management Framework) that offers many layers of native security, but there are many things to bear in mind if you want to offer your users a secure experience. This presentation will familiarize you with the most interesting practices and modules for providing your projects with the extra layer of security that will protect you from the main risks identified by OWASP.


December 06, 2023


Salle 152

SPONSOR: Openstack: control plane containerization

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

OpenStack is an open-source solution for deploying cloud infrastructure (IaaS). With the emergence of containerization technologies such as Docker and Podman, OpenStack’s control plane is adjusting to align with this new paradigm. In this talk, we will explore traditional OpenStack architectures, their transition to the use of containers, and finally, recent deployments on Kubernetes-based orchestration platforms.


December 06, 2023



Podcast Techology

Responsible Digital

Live recording of an episode of the Techologie podcast. Topics and speakers to come.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

Making Digital Infrastructure Trustworthy? Presenting FACT : The Fair API Commitment Terms

Policies, Strategy & Legal

This talk will present the FACT framework, a way to create and publish easily Fair API Commitment Terms, making API Terms of Service that are easy to read and understand. _x000D_
Indeed, the biggest threat on trust in the digital infrastructure we know is the threat on APIs you consume for your software. What if the API provider breaks the API? What if the API provider change its licence? Its version abruptly making it a breaking version without notice? Its pricing making it unaffordable for all users? This is why we have worked to make a framework to make it easy to provide clear open commitment about your APIs to your community. _x000D_
It is like a Creative Commons for APIs, as it is also easy to read and understand for users about what they can expect about API provider commitments about trust for their API. _x000D_
This project has been supported by the Ford Foundation, Mozilla foundation and Open Society foundation.


  • Mehdi Medjaoui

    - Automatiser le monde, une API après l'autre - Les Mainteneurs

December 06, 2023


Salle 153a

Deep Learning, Open Research and Open Source

AI, Machine Learning, Data

In practice, the field of deep learning lies at the crossroads of academic and industrial research. While this arrangement is not new in itself, what is new is that Open Source neural models and libraries have established themselves as the common cement of these experiments and the resulting products.
In this presentation, we take a look at the underlying reasons for the preponderance of Open Source in AI, and the implications for product construction and business models.
Deep Learning originates from academia, and fuses both academic and private corporation’s research results. This is not new as an hybrid practice, but the good news is that Open Source libraries and models are its cement.
In this talk, we look at the reasons behind the preeminence of Open Source nowadays in AI, from reproducibility issues arising from statistical theory, to business considerations.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Product-led growth strategies to supercharge your FOSS community

Policies, Strategy & Legal

Every open source project is following some version of product-led growth, which means relying on the project itself to recruit new users, discover new features and then get existing users to spread the word about the project. But the vast majority don’t do so with any kind of intentionality and, if they do it right, it’s through luck rather than design. In this talk, Emily Omier will introduce attendees to the major principles of product-led growth and walk them through how those principles can be applied to an open source project. She’ll discuss what maintainers need to measure, optimize for and avoid if they want to intentionally use product-led growth strategies to expand their user base and community. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of how to apply product-led growth strategies to accelerate community and usage growth in their projects. This talk will focus only on free open source projects, not commercial open source.


  • Emily Omier

    - J'aide les fondateurs de logiciels libres à accélérer la croissance de leur chiffre d'affaires - Emily Omier Consulting

December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

Zephyr: modern software practices for small devices

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

Zephyr is an open-source RTOS which has been gaining traction in the recent years.
Combining a small footprint and modern software development concepts, it bridges the gap between traditional micro-controller development and high-level software developers. In this talk, we’ll present the Zephyr OS and discuss what developers can expect from it. We will focus on how Zephyr can be used from a Linux Kernel developer, how it can be used for your connected platform, and how you can use it to build complex embedded product.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

Open Source policy: what’s at stake after the OS Licence Policy?

Policies, Strategy & Legal

The open source policy of organizations is still too often limited to a selection of open source licences compatible with the strategies of use and operation of open source components.

This first step secures the most visible risks (infringement action, contractual liability, etc.) when combined with the identification, validation and monitoring of the actual use of each Open Source component or dependency in line with their licence(s). When effectively done, such an approach is an excellent opportunity to extend to other organizational issues: sustainability, vulnerability, export control, open chain and even GDPR. The list is long.

The aim of this presentation is to share the state of the art of existing practices in terms of open source compliance, as well as an overview of all the other risks and opportunities that an open source policy is likely to cover.


December 06, 2023


Cyberbullying Workshop – How to react in the event of a cyberattack?

GIP ACYMA hosts an interactive workshop on the subject of cyber attacks

When an organization is the victim of a cyber attack, it is faced with a veritable “tsunami”!

While the first reflexes are important to properly manage the crisis, the response to this incident must be adapted and coordinated with all components of the organization.

In this workshop, we’ll look at the pitfalls to be avoided, and the organizational, technical and operational measures to be put in place to ensure the best possible outcome.

Come and discover the advice provided by cybermalveillance.gouv.fr during this participative session.


  • Denis BOYER

    - Chargé de mission sensibilisation - risque cyber au sein du Groupement d’Intérêt Public (GIP) - ACYMA cybermalveillance.gouv.fr

December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

Trust & Digital commons

Policies, Strategy & Legal

The word trust is often synonymous with unbridled capitalism. Yet it is possible to reinvent “the trust” by making it the ideal tool to structure digital commons teams while remaining economically sustainable.
Indeed, one of the issues that the digital commons have been trying to address for several years now lies in the economic unthinkability of free software. As it relies solely on licences, and therefore on copyright, free software dodges the question of how to value work done in order to continue to maintain and develop it.
The trust, and charitable trust in particular, is a solution to explore how to give value to work performed within the digital commons without compromising on the essential values and characteristics of these commons.


December 06, 2023


Salle 152

How to make DNS management simple?

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Domain names are an essential yet neglected aspect of the internet.
They are mandatory because they are a key factor in traffic routing. But how many professionals have the technical knowledge that these domains require? It is easy to make mistakes when using them.
They are often neglected because they are complex to use Yet they are nevertheless indispensable and would help private users to better control their privacy on the internet.
Here we give a short overview, ranging from the private user to the most seasoned sysadmin.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

The role of Foundations in today’s open source

Policies, Strategy & Legal

The rise of software development forges like GitHub has dramatically reduced friction to create and run open source projects. In this context, what is the role of Foundations today, in the wider open source ecosystem?
In this talk, Thierry Carrez, General Manager at the Open Infrastructure Foundation and vice-chair of the Open Source Initiative, will share his vision on this topic. After a quick history of open source Foundations, this talk will present a landscape of the type of open source Foundations in activity today, with their differences in scope and principles, then focus on the value add of modern Foundations: enabling open collaboration across several organizations by providing a range of services to the supported project.


December 06, 2023


Salle 142

NGINX Unit: Serving Server-Side WASM with Web Awareness

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

WebAssembly (Wasm) promises to change the nature of applications. Server-side Wasm is more efficient for delivering truly portable applications. With Wasm being browser-focused, let’s take a deeper look at the needs of the server apps.
The Wasm sandbox provides a high-performance, highly portable, and secure-by-design runtime environment. There is a single byte-stream input and a single byte-stream output; closely matching HTTP request/response patterns. Only a simple bridge is required to connect HTTP clients with server-side WebAssembly.
Open source NGINX Unit is an application runtime for web apps and APIs. It handles the HTTP(S) front end, request routing and serving of static assets, including the runtime execution of application code. Unit decouples the HTTP server from the application process. And it is an excellent fit for Wasm’s sandboxed execution.
Come find out how NGINX Unit is the runtime platform for FaaS and for local developer experiences.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153a

PyTorch-Ignite, high-level open-source library to help with training and evaluating neural networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently

AI, Machine Learning, Data

PyTorch-Ignite is one of the open source tool for training and evaluating neural network in PyTorch. It helps simplify code while maintaining flexibility and transparency.

Initially, we are going to do a brief introduction to PyTorch and then a brief introduction and use case of PyTorch-Ignite.

The we are going to talk about the open source ecosystem of PyTorch-Ignite: code-generator and other open source projects

We will round off with a discussion of the PyTorch-Ignite project community:
– contribution to open source projects
– course programs: GSoC, Quansight, GSoD
– project support by NumFOCUS, Quansight, Agenium Space and others
– how to join our community and help us with the project


December 06, 2023


Salle 152

Infra : Empower your developers with OctoDNS

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Have you never dreamed of a world where everyone can create and manage DNS records? That’s now possible with OctoDNS.

Since it has been made available to the community, it has become increasingly possible. The aim of this talk will be to explain how it works and to give you some practical examples.

The practical examples will be presented in short demonstrations like for example: “Migrating from on-premises to the cloud in one command”, so that you may see the power of the tool for yourself.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Reconciling business needs and free software

Policies, Strategy & Legal

Some free software is funded by service contracts sold to large corporations which legitimately expect a certain number of features in return.

How to implement these sometimes hyper specific needs within free software without encroaching on the needs of other users, compromising security or making maintenance more cumbersome?

I talk about my experience as a free software developer and as a consultant paid by customers to solve their problems with this same software.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

Going beyond MQTT with Sparkplug

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

For a long time, proprietary approaches and obscure protocols dominated industrial automation. Things started to change in 1999 with the introduction of the MQTT protocol. Operational technology (OT) and business applications supplied by information technology (IT) teams exist and evolve separately in most organizations. This well documented gap between OT and IT often confines MQTT alongside OT of things. The open Sparkplug specification of the Fondation Eclipse aims to fill in this gap.

In this presentation, you will learn how open source MQTT implementations can speed up digital transformation. You will also discover how Sparkplug simplifies things by defining a “topic namespace”, payloads centred on industrial process variables, and “stateful session awareness” mechanisms that avoid the classic “polling/response” pattern.


  • Frédéric Desbiens

    - Gestionnaire de Programmes et Évangéliste — IoT et Edge Computing - Eclipse Foundation

December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

I see Icons everywhere ! From CC to Privacy comons

Policies, Strategy & Legal

The effort to simplify the law is reflected in the use of other media than legal writing to meet the obligation to provide information. In 2000, the creative commons opened the door to the use of icons. Personal data law is moving in the same direction. The aim is to highlight the specifying character of these icons by drawing parallels with the creative commons. The adoption of these icons was facilitated by communities of artists and efforts made by the legal community.


December 06, 2023


Salle 142

htmx: Confronting the Complexity of Frameworks and SPA Architectures, Let’s Return to Hypermedia

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

In the age of modern web development, the adoption of Single Page Application (SPA) frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, etc. has brought in unprecedented innovation. However, this technology has also introduced significant complexity. Is it possible to benefit from the flexibility and interactivity of SPAs while maintaining the simplicity of Web 1.0? The answer perhaps lies in a forgotten or often neglected technological principle: hypermedia.

In this talk, we will explore htmx, a lightweight JavaScript library that extends HTML and allows rich interaction with the server without having to resort to the SPA approach. It revitalizes the Web 1.0 paradigm by combining the simplicity of traditional HTML and modern interaction capacities.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153a

Building a LLM: from zero to hero

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Join us for an informative session on automating LLM fine-tuning and developing chat-based and multimodal model assistants. Discover the potential of Large Language Models in your specific domain and learn how to optimize them. Learn about common pitfalls during the development cycle and how to overcome them.
During this demonstration, we will showcase open-source projects such as Spark, Kubeflow, MLFlow, OpenSearch and LLM-specific open models and tools like Falcon, TRL, OpenAssistant, and PEFT. Witness the accelerated innovation made possible by open-source software and explore how to create a customized end-to-end workflow for your Machine Learning projects.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b


Digital workplace and corporate solutions

The “Les acteurs du Libre” competition aims to reward companies and entrepreneurs, as well as innovative projects and associations, whose actions contribute to the development of Open Source. The following awards will be presented at the Open Source Experience:

  • Special Jury Prize
  • Business Development Award
  • Open and Ethical Digital Enterprise Award
  • Best Open Source Strategy Award
  • Committed Public Service Award
  • European APELL Award.

Supported by the CNLL, this competition will highlight the sector’s entrepreneurial successes, and the exceptional careers of men and women.

December 06, 2023


Wikimedia – Découvrez le le jeu WikiTrivia !

WikiTrivia is an online game whose objective is to place events in a timeline. Data taken from Wikidata

December 06, 2023


Salle 142

Developing with containers: from Makefile to Devfile

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Devfile is “An open standard defining containerized development environments”

When you develop on your local system, you probably use a Makefile, which is listing all the commands you may want to execute during the development, the build, or the installation of your application.

The Devfile,similarly, defines a list of commands, but provides container and Kubernetes-related abstractions to simplify the definition of these commands.

Examples of command types are:
– applying a resource to a Kubernetes cluster,
– executing a command inside a specific container,
– building a container image and pushing it to a registry.

The Devfile also defines groups of commands (build, run, debug, test, deploy), so that tooling can understand the intent of commands.

To explore these possibilities, Philippe will demonstrate an inline editor to create a new Devfile, and a CLI, leveraging the information into a Devfile to help you loop over the Edit-Build-Run cycle during your development.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Can free software be enough to make digital acceptable?

Responsible Digital

Acceptable digital technology should answer three major questions: does it emancipate or alienate? Is it chosen or imposed? Is it environmentally and humanely sustainable?

Free software brings elements to answer these three questions. But is it enough? Certainly not, and this talk aims to get people thinking about the limits of an exclusively free software approach to responsible, sustainable and acceptable digital technology.

This conference will strive to demonstrate that free software is one of the indispensable ways to build acceptable digital technology. Acceptable digital technology should not be restricted to values, imaginary worlds and the realities of free software. We want to share thoughts and open the debate!


  • Louis Derrac

    - Acteur de l'éducation au numérique et de la transformation alternumérique des organisations - Indépendant

December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

Updating a Linux/Yocto device in 20 mn with SWUpdate

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

The aim of the conference is to give a practical insight into how to update an embedded system on a board using Yocto. The conference is based on a demonstration (on Raspberry Pi) and the “theoretical” part will be limited to the presentation of fundamental concepts:

– the different types of update (runtime, asymmetrical, symmetrical A/B,)
– the main frameworks available (SWUpdate, RAUC, Mender)
– the notion of “rollback”

This demonstration will introduce SWUpdate principles (sw-description file and SWU update archive) and Yocto integration, using the Yocto “swupdate” class provided by the SWUpdate project.


December 06, 2023


Salle 152

Towards a Redecentralization of the Internet: Exploring Current Technologies and Initiatives

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

I would like to take you on a fascinating journey through emerging initiatives and technology (such as Web3, Web3.0 and Fediverse) which could shape the future of a decentralized Internet. Discover how you can become involved in this movement in favour of the (re)decentralization of the Web and the Internet. Join us to explore the opportunities given by these inroads, and help create an Internet where users control data.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

Building a hybrid search chatbot for private data with Elasticsearch and LangChain

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Beyond all the hype about ChatGPT and vector databases, how can you build a conversational search engine (aka “chatbot”) based on data that needs to remain private?

Elasticsearch has been known for a long time for its conventional full text searches by keywords. For several years it has integrated the latest advances in the field of semantic research: semantic analysis (dense vectors), vector research and now hybrid research with ESRE, the Elasticsearch Relevance Engine.

In this presentation, we will see how to integrate Elasticsearch and LLM with LangChain for semantic indexing of documents, then a chatbot to question this corpus without calling on third-parties.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153a

Cybersecurity and open source: what strategies can organizations adopt?

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

This round table will discuss the cybersecurity challenges associated with open source solutions. Based on the experience of our speakers, we’ll be looking at both organizational and legal points of vigilance. We will also highlight the benefits and opportunities of open source in securing organizations’ information systems.


December 06, 2023


Salle 142

Demystifying Kubernetes internals

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Nowadays, many of you (devs, sysadmins, etc.) use Kubernetes, in one way or another. You know what a container is and that you can trust Kubernetes to deploy it reliably in production.

But beyond that, have you ever asked yourself “how” Kubernetes works?

What happens between the moment you do a “kubectl apply” (or “helm install”) on your computer and the moment the application becomes accessible?

When a node breaks down, what can you do to restart the application on another node without having to wake up the human on call?

How come we can access any container in our cluster without calling on a seasoned network admin for every new deployment?

I propose that we look together at all the internal components of Kubernetes to conclude that “no, Kubernetes, is not automagic”.


December 06, 2023


Salle 152

Join the fediverse (unlike the Metaverse, it works)

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

If there is one place where you can dream of a freer, more ethical and more logical internet, it is OSPX! Whether you are familiar or not with Fediverse concepts, I will present a short session to review the largely underexploited opportunities afforded by the Fediverse, well beyond social media.

In a first conceptual and philosophical part, we will look at the fundamental principles to understand how it works and why it is a political choice in the same way as free software

In a second part, we will look in more detail at the technical aspects to understand RDF, ActivityPub, Webfinger, Solid, etc. Powerful and functional standards and tools are already available!

And while some people lose themselves in the chaos of the metaverse, join us to build a real and concrete Fediverse, where freedom and ethics are much more than simple virtual promises.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

Mastering the first boot under linux

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

The first boot is the last stage in the manufacturing of an embedded product.

Often neglected by architects, developed in an ad hoc way, Linux offers tools capable of controlling this stage and providing interesting features with a limited development cost

* minimization of image size
* partitioning and automatic formatting
* possibility of a simple factory reset
* saving and generation of unique keys per product

In this session, we will look at a range of tools available on Linux systems that can solve common problems but also integrate specific processes smoothly in the first boot.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Sustainable IT : state of the art of the open source projects and communities

Responsible Digital

State-of-the-art integration of digital practices and approaches within communities, projects and open source solutions. After a rapid presentation of criteria studied and the methodology used to bring together the information presented, we will review a holistic approach to responsible digital technology, a statistical overview of practices within communities and open source projects, depending on their size, their domains, their approach in terms of licences and market, etc.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

How to test Machine Learning models for a more responsible AI

AI, Machine Learning, Data

The technical challenges of AI quality are immense. How can you explain errors in neural networks? What quality criteria should you use? We’re going to explain why testing the quality of machine learning is an important, but difficult task. We’ll also show how Giskard is helping ML engineers deploy artifical intelligence systems to production, while putting in place a framework of tests built around performance, robustness, and ethics. We’ll then show how we can integrate these testing frameworks into the deployment pipeline to automate the quality assurance process with each new model version deployed.


December 06, 2023



Label Culture Libre, from open licenses to digital collaboration

Discover the Culture Libre label, which rewarded 16 cultural institutions for its first edition in 2023. Museums, libraries and archives still have the option of monetizing the public domain by collecting royalties on digitized works. But what about online users, researchers, doctoral students and Wikipedians, who should be able to access and use these faithful representations of works?
Presented by Wikimédia France, with contributions from Nancy musées and the Archives municipales de Lyon.


December 06, 2023


Salle 152

The Truth on the Blockchain

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Terms such as “cryptocurrency”, “metaverse”, “NFT” and “web3” are increasingly bandied about. They are invariably presented as essential innovations in tomorrow’s world, without it ever really being explained why or how… Apart from one thing: it all comes down to“blockchain”. In addition to these facets of new technology, “blockchain” is also supposed to revolutionize certain existing practices: for example the certification of certain documents (legal, diplomas) or traceability (supply chain, food industry).

But what actually is a blockchain? What is it in practical terms? Does this technology live up to its promises? Are all these uses really justified?


  • Pablo Rauzy

    - Maître de conférences en informatique - Université Paris 8

December 06, 2023


Salle 142

Properly size your Kubernetes deployments

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

When we need to open an app on a Kubernetes cluster, best practice consists of defining “request” and “limit” resources to guarantee its smooth operation while guaranteeing the health of the host cluster.

OK, but what “request” and “limit” values should be specified? If there’s not enough RAM will the application be “OOMKilled”? If there’s too much CPU will it block other deployments?

After an overview of the different options to configure these resources, I will show you a simple but effective tool to help you define pragmatic values: Goldilocks and the automatic use of Vertical Pod Autoscalers.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

SDIS 57 : a free pathway to an entire redesign of collaboration services

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

The SDIS 57 (fire service in Moselle, France) wanted to present services available to users for the collaboration, organization and safety of data on a free platform. With Arawa, it worked on this pathway to implement a service based on Nextcloud, Callobora Online, BigBluebutton as well as Arawa Workspace and Monitor.
The project shows the existence of a free alternative offering several assets to set up a comprehensive collaboration solution.
The presentation will look at how the project is built, any points requiring attention and its major benefits.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Reuse and open source: a guarantee of digital sustainability?

Responsible Digital

Recently, the French interministerial department for digital technology (DINUM) opened the way to factoring in free software in the durability index of the hardware supporting it, by publishing a positive answer to the following question: “Do you think it is possible to install a free operating system that increases the sustainability of computers and smartphones?”

This answer is supported by a synthesized report by OW2, to which Electrocycle has contributed alongside several players. It shows that free software contributes to sustainability well beyond operating systems.

The main factor is found in a free software / hardware repurposing mix. Hardware represents 75% of the impact of electric equipment. Free software helps delay its obsolescence. Other areas appear essential like APIs and open protocols that give a new lease of life to several connected objects besides computers and smartphones.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

Deploy, Monitor and Update a ML Model

AI, Machine Learning, Data

In today’s rapidly evolving world of machine learning, deploying, monitoring, and updating models has become a critical aspect of ensuring their effectiveness and reliability. This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key considerations and best practices for effectively managing the lifecycle of machine learning models. Through an example we will try to explore each step at a time with their specific alerts and triggers. Our goal is to have a simple and fully automated pipeline.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153a

The Custodian model – real world example of bringing Open Source to digital health

Policies, Strategy & Legal

This talk will provide background of Open Source and UK, how this connects to European policy progress and what this means for the opportunities for Open Source in digital health.
This leads in to the emergence of the Custodian Model and how it formed from the NHS Open Source programme.
Health & care has a great deal to benefit from good data and there is significant spend. However in many cases, users and citizens report that their experiences with technology are often less than expected.
Policy, digital technology, financial capacity and demand are all there – so what is getting in the way?
We will explore how these resources can be better aligned to deliver real-world outcomes, with a UK case study of an Open Source application that has displaced proprietary incumbent, and how the Custodian model brings this together.
As a result of having the right information at the right moment whilst respecting privacy and security creates an opportunity to improve health outcomes for all.


  • Stuart Mackintosh

    - Numérique ouvert pour l'industrie et le secteur public - Open Digital Consulting Co

December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

ChatGPT is lying, how can we fix it?

AI, Machine Learning, Data

ChatGPT was a revolution nobody was ready for. All the social channels have been flooded with prompts and answers which look ok at first glance but turn out to be counterfeit. Factuality is the biggest concern about Large Language Models, not only the OpenAI product. If you build an app with LLMs, you need to be aware of this.
Retrieval Augmented Language Models seem to be the solution to overcome that issue. They combine LLMs’ language capabilities and the knowledge base’s accuracy. The talk will review possible ways to implement it with humans in the loop.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

The challenges and role of sovereign messaging in the Digital Workplace

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

2023: Digital Workplaces no longer ring the death knell of email! They have finally understood the importance and ubiquity of the leading communication channel.
Collaborative messaging challenges are huge:
– The challenge of extending the scope of collaboration and integrating further into the Digital Workplace
– The challenge of sovereignty for the most widely used and exposed application
– The challenge of scalability and resilience for the most widely used and critical application
– And above all, the challenge of usage and respect for user habits, without which users will reject the solution.
Native Outlook support, revamped UX at the heart of development, instant upgrades and PRA, extensibility and collaborative interfaces.

This talk will discuss how BlueMind, the French open source messaging solution, has become the first alternative to Exchange and 365 by responding in practical ways to these challenges


December 06, 2023


Salle 152

Introduction to Quantum Computing with Qiskit

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Presentation of quantum computing based on the principles of quantum mechanics

From Richard Feynman’s original idea to the present day.

How do Qubits replace traditional computing bits?

The main quantum gates for superposition states, quantum entanglement, etc.

Shor, Grover algorithms, quantum teleporting, etc…

QML and its outlook

Quantum creativity, quantum cryptography, the future quantum internet, etc.


  • Alain Lioret

    - Professeur en Arts et Technologies de l'Image - Université Paris 8

December 06, 2023


Salle 142

Sick of using helm, try Acorn !

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

A simple and effective alternative to Helm. A framework to deploy applications in Kubernetes.
– One single artefact between the different environments
– Simple, Simple, Simple
– Secured by design
The packaging of applications by Helm has won over the world with its power and very easy use
However, Helm templates are difficult to create and often long to finalize.
Although less well known, there are very interesting alternative solutions such as Acorn

Acorn claims to make life easier for developers, sysops and devops to package
and roll out applications on Kubernetes.
Acorn’s approach is radically different to Helm’s as Acorn does not need a Kubernete manifest template.
With Acorn, developers can very easily describe the components of their applications,
execute them locally to easily test their application.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153a

The Importance of Collaborative Applications for European Digital Sovereignty

Policies, Strategy & Legal

Progress and challenges of alternatives facing the BigTechs
In the latest years, the subject of European Digital Sovereignty is gaining ground. Clearly the dominant position of the BigTechs is making both European companies, Countries but also individual increasingly dependent on the product and services of the BigTechs. In order to regain our sovereignty we need to look at the full stack, from hardware, to cloud and to the software running on those hardware and clouds.
In this talk I would like to present the importance of Collaborative applications as the entry point of all collaboration and the need to regain ground and move to Open Source solutions.
I will show the progress made in the last years by different providers of Open Source solutions (NextCloud, Matrix, BigBlueButton, Jitsi, XWiki, CryptPad and many others), and also talk about initiatives to build alternative solutions in Europe, such as the Sovereign Workplace Project in Germany or the initiatives in France.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

How to prepare for the coming WCAG of Sustainability? An update from W3C workgroup participants

Responsible Digital

“We’ve lost the bid, our WCSG (Web Content Sustainability Guidelines) was only AA” Is it science-fiction to have an equivalent of accessibility for ecodesigning web services? Not in 2025! The W3C gathered dozens of profesionnals around the world this year to write together Sustainability Guidelines to implement GreenIT in the design of web services. They will be announced at the TPAC in september and released in their first draft end of the year. Both of us contributed to these workgroups and tell you all about the processes and outcomes of this upcoming guidelines


  • Anne Faubry

    - En charge du programme d'écoconception - Designers Ethiques
  • Gael Duez

    - Podcasteur - Conférencier - Défenseur du numérique durable - Duez.co

December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Please welcome the Green Software Foundation

Responsible Digital

A lot has been said about eco-design and sustainability in the Tech world in recent years.

The “Green Software Foundation” is one of the latest daughter foundations of the Linux Foundation.
Founded in 2021, this foundation tries to bring together Tech players to share a joint vision and scalable actions.

Who is involved in this initiative? Are there any ongoing actions?

Come and discover how to share best practices in eco-design through GSF.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

eXo Platform + email + personal drive: a comprehensive and open-source digital workplace, alternative to Microsoft 365

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

Do you think that a sovereign open source digital workplace could never be as comprehensive and efficient as the Microsoft 365 proprietary solution? We will prove to you that it is possible and will give you all the information you need to make up your own mind!

Come and discover how the French open source digital workplace and integrated platform eXo covers the Microsoft 365 functional field and satisfies organizations’ security and sovereignty requirements.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153a

Open organization models in free software companies

Policies, Strategy & Legal

We’ll be presenting the Role Models open-source project, which surveys open-source software companies to study organizations that promote autonomy, horizontality and at least partial recognition of the term “liberated enterprise”. Our aim is to spread the word as widely as possible that these models exist and are viable in our economic and social context. This project began in early 2023, has received the support of Framasoft and April, and has already, in June 2023, begun to disseminate results via its website and a radio program.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

Tock, 8 years of prod and collaboration + leveraging LLM [TOSIT]

AI, Machine Learning, Data

8 years ago, SNCF Connect & Tech opted for open source bricks then shared “The Open Conversation Kit” with the community on its Tock platform, which claimed to be an innovative producer of commons (Acteurs du Libre prize 2019), opening the way to unexpected collaborations.

A few years and several chatbots later, different types of organizations cooperate with and benefit from this open platform for their own projects, products and even to test new LLM and generative AI solutions.

In this session, we will see how several businesses use and contribute to Tock:

– SNCF Connect & Tech, for which Tock is at the heart of the customer experience as with in-house chatbots
– ENEDIS, which structured its in-house and external chatbots with Tock
– Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, which contributes a lot to Tock and uses it to test different LLMs
– Linagora, which integrates Tock with its voice technology in the LinTO.ai product


December 06, 2023


Salle 152

Grandeur and decadence of European open source policy: how can we rekindle the flame?

Policies, Strategy & Legal

The panel will discuss the place of open source in Europe’s digital policy, focusing on the unfortunate impact of the European Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) on the ecosystem and more specifically the professional open source software sector, and the proposal for an Open New Deal to fund digital infrastructure. While the CRA aims to secure hardware and software made available to the public in Europe, it is in direct conflict with some of the principles of open source. In contrast, the Open New Deal suggests that open source software can counteract centralisation, stimulate innovation and strengthen cyber-resilience, particularly in geopolitical crises. The panel will identify and discuss strategies for aligning European digital policies with open source values to ensure a resilient and innovative future.


December 06, 2023

Salle 142

SPONSOR: Secure, AI-powered collaboration with the GitHub platform

In this presentation, you’ll explore the complete process of collaborating and building secure applications using the GitHub platform. We’ll dive into the various challenges and solutions associated with the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), through the example of pull-request. We’ll also look at the benefits of innersourcing, fostering a culture of internal collaboration and code sharing within companies.


December 06, 2023



Cyberbullying Workshop – Securing teleworking

Responsible Digital

GIP ACYMA offers an interactive workshop on the subject of teleworking


  • Denis BOYER

    - Chargé de mission sensibilisation - risque cyber au sein du Groupement d’Intérêt Public (GIP) - ACYMA cybermalveillance.gouv.fr

December 06, 2023


Salle 153a

The magic potion to boost your career

Policies, Strategy & Legal

The recipe for magic potions is usually only the preserve of druids. But, here is the exception. The druid council of the Carnutes forest has authorized me to reveal a few of the ingredients in this potion.

I may even unveil the secret ingredient!

In this slidefree session, I will tell you how open-source completely boosted my career. The ideas:

* contribute however you can,
* don’t be scared,
* open source yourself!


December 06, 2023


Salle 142

Open Source Observability and Monitoring , where are we now ?

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Over the past 20 years Open Source monitoring and observabillity has changed quite a bit. We went from pure health checks with tools like Nagios, Zabbix , Zenoss, Icinga etc..
Trough collecting more metrics with things like Ganglia, Collectd etc and visualising them with Graphite and later Grafana etc .. We went from “Monitoring Sucks” to “Monitoring Love” …
Prometheus popped up in our industry .. and we learned to deal with logs, metrics and traces.
So where are we today .. how do you monitor and observe your ecosystem with Open Source tools.
This talk will tell you about our experiences running multiple saas platforms with 100% open source tools and how to monitor them.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

Telephony in the workplace: how to support the transition to software-only solutions.

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

The use of phones in business is constantly changing. In recent years the IT and telecom departments of organizations have moved closer together in recent years. IP phones and physical servers are gradually completed or even replaced by workstations on PCs and virtualized servers or even by solutions offered in SaaS mode by service providers. The increase in work from home demands solutions allowing the mobility of users and brings with it new network security and communications issues. Finally, the rise of smartphones since the 2010s has rapidly led to the emergence of proprietary communication applications for the mass market, which raises new challenges for telecommunication solutions developers. We will present the full open source client/server software solution to deploy and modernize voice on IP infrastructure.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Wikipedia and the Gender Gap – We Have a Role to Play

Responsible Digital

80% of biographies on Wikipedia are about men. 80%… Which means barely 20% women. Did they not exist? Did they not make history? Why is there such a gap between the genders and how can we fill it?

Presentation of a few figures and the great “Les sans pagEs” initiative, a collective that refuses to give up. Because on the free encyclopaedia, everyone can contribute, whether they know something or not, and thus restore a little more equality.

Because #RepresentationMatters


  • Sara Dufour

    - COO - Diversity & Inclusion advocate - La Place des Grenouilles

December 06, 2023


Salle 153a


Digital workplace and corporate solutions

Since 2016, the Territoire Numérique Libre label has been encouraging free, open and collaborative digital uses within local authorities, by highlighting the strategic and technical choices implemented in the territory: implementation of a strategy in favor of free software, use of free software and systems, making public data available (open data), etc.

It rewards the pooling of resources, the efficient use of public money, and all initiatives in favor of the digital commons in the region.

The Territoire Numérique Libre label was created to highlight local authorities’ free initiatives, and to promote them among elected representatives, other local authorities and citizens. It is a strong marker for all communities committed to a “Free” approach.

December 06, 2023

Plenary Session

Salle Passy

[Preview] Presentation of the results of the 2023 Open Source Usage Survey

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

The CNLL, Numeum, Systematic Paris-Region and their partners have commissioned MARKESS to carry out a study on the use of open source by businesses and the public sector in France in 2023. On an unprecedented scale, this study offers a complete portrait of the open source situation in France: uses, advantages and obstacles, and perceptions by client organizations according to their size and sector of activity. Discover the exclusive results of this survey of over 600 decision-makers in the French digital sector! Among the themes that will be addressed in the study and during the restitution :

– The use of and participation in open source in France

– How is open source implemented?

– Open source governance within organizations

– The contribution of open source to major digital challenges

As the French component of a European study conducted jointly with Bitkom (the professional organization for the digital ecosystem in Germany), this study will also be the subject in 2024 of a comparative analysis of the open source situation in the two European countries.

With participation of :

  • Pierre Baudracco, President of the Systematic Paris-Region Open Source Hub
  • Stéfane Fermigier, Co-Chairman, Conseil National du Logiciel Libre (CNLL)
  • Marc Palazon, Chairman of Numeum’s Open Source Commission
  • Frank Termer, Head of Bitkom’s Software Division

December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

Creating your own privacy data detector in your organisation, using open source Datafari Enterprise Search

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

GDPR requirements include an inventory of locations in an organization, which store sensitive privacy-related information. But the inventory may not reflect the reality of these locations, for example if employees save information in other places. If there is an audit, penalties can apply in case the inventory is incorrect. In this session, we will show you how to configure the Datafari enterprise search engine – in its open source community version – and to combine it with regular expressions and the extraction of entities named via Spacy in order to harvest the information system of your organization (intranet, file sharing, SharePoint, etc.) and show documents containing sensitive data.


December 06, 2023



LinuxFr.org “gifts-away” every day at 5 p.m.

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

Sent on sessionise as requested by Florence

The associative village will be similar to last year. The LinuxFr association continues to coordinate it and maintain a good general mood with part of the team. It is possible to win ENI and Eyrolles books and subscriptions to GNU/Linux Magazine France (we went all out this time!). Thanks to Diamond, Eyrolles and ENI for their donations;

Every day, on our stand, we organize a draw at 5 pm that lasts about twenty minutes.

Florence implied that there would certainly be a dedicated stage and we would like to run this event at around 5 pm and let people win prizes in indecent quantities this year. We will also serve special 25 LinuxFR and OSI beers.


December 06, 2023


Salle 142

Building an OpenSource APM with OpenTelemetry and Grafana

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Proprietary APM (Application Performance Management) solutions have provided immense value to developers, yet are very expensive, in part because there was no good way to assemble a similar feature set in Open-Source Software (OSS). Everything from the agents over the collection layers to the backends were proprietary. This is now changing with OpenTelemetry and its instrumentation SDKs and backends like Prometheus, Loki and Tempo.
This talk will show you how you could leverage the power of OpenTelemetry and Open Source backends like Prometheus, Loki and Tempo to build a compelling APM solution. We will also cover implementation risks and the upcoming improvements in the OTel community that will make things easier and more valuable. All built with and on top of OSS.


December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Current positive impact and limits of opensource on IT sustainability

Responsible Digital

Open source is used to increase lifespan and requires fewer IT resources in general. These two aspects are some of the major factors to make an information system more sustainable. What is the estimated environmental gain (greenhouse gases, mineral resources, etc.)? and in what cases are these gains possible? What is missing, and therefore what would be needed, to broaden this spectrum and thus make IT more sustainable in as many cases as possible?


December 06, 2023


Salle 152

Round table “How can we make it easier for open source publishers to be sustainable?”

Policies, Strategy & Legal

How to create a sustainable business based on an open source project: the story of Linphone.
Do business now with your open source project


December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

MLOps on highly sensitive data – Strict Confinement, Confidential Computing and Tokenization Protect

AI, Machine Learning, Data

In this talk, we will discuss how you can set up a secure foundation for machine learning with open-source building blocks. We will cover how confidential computing on the public cloud helps you address run time insecurity. You will then learn how Kubernetes’ strict confinement helps you get complete isolation, up to a minimum access level to the host resources. Finally, we will cover how tokenization can enable you to avoid data leaks, and allows at the same time achieving high system productivity. We will demonstrate how this works in practice with a life sciences use case powered by Charmed Kubeflow, an open-source community-driven end-to-end MLOps platform.


December 06, 2023


Salle 142

Leveling up your Grafana Skills

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Grafana is a popular open-source monitoring tool, but often, new users are unable to utilize its full potential to efficiently monitor or visualize data.
In this talk, we will demonstrate an example of how to monitor your Discourse forum using JSON API. Later, we see more advanced features to get better observability.
It will be an introduction to the Dashboards, and also an excellent opportunity to learn more about the advanced features, including troubleshooting & debugging.
join us to learn more about Grafana dashboards, community contributions and share your feedback and suggestions!


December 06, 2023


Salle 143b

Big data in the service or reliable news

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Brandolini’s law, also known as Brandolini’s principle or bullshit asymmetry principle, stipulates that the creation of disinformation or false information requires a lot less effort than debunking.
With certain data study tools, it is possible to reduce this amount of energy and give all the elements to better apprehend the world with a sceptical eye.
As specialists in search engines, we deal with searching and the relevance of results sent on a daily basis. We are going to use this experience during the presentation.
After having summarized Brandolini’s law and the law of large numbers, we will discuss some of the most common cognitive biases.
And finally, we will propose different tools and methods to help every slightly curious person embark on this adventure.


December 06, 2023


Salle 143a

Enterprise wikis in 2023, evolutions and trends

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

Initially created in 1995 as a simple and effective content creation tool for technically-minded users, wikis have become part of business as a natural response to a need for the circulation of knowledge indispensable for team success. As a result, wikis have been enhanced with features designed to facilitate access for non-technical users, and increasingly with ways of describing and presenting data to users which are relevant to their field (structured data, mixed formats). Today there are tools renamed “corporate collaboration tools” with major players that offer their solutions to this need, open source or not, with artificial intelligence input. This presentation will discuss these recent evolutions and visions of corporate partnership by showing how the Open Source XWiki platform responds.


  • Anca Luca

    - Client CTO XWiki SAS - XWiki SAS, Open Food Facts

December 06, 2023


Salle 153b

Open Source & Digital Accessibility: winning duo for an inclusive Internet

Responsible Digital

Digital accessibility has the power to simplify the private, social and professional life of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. And open source, with its growing popularity, can play a crucial role in the promotion of this accessibility.

International standards and references have been set up to help developers, decision-makers and project managers. However, many challenges remain. Are you ready to rise to them?

Three challenges will be presented, with several work areas and/or possible solutions?

1. “Development” challenge Contribute to the introduction of accessible Web
2. “Development” challenge: Choose the right tools for sustainable accessibility
3. “Management” challenge: Manage accessibility without hindering your projects

Depending on your mission and the level of maturity of your organization, you can choose to rise to one or several of these challenges. Help the internet keep its Universality promise!


December 07, 2023

associated event

Salle 124/125

EOLE (European Open Source & Free Software Law Event)

In 2023, the 14th edition of EOLE will emphasize the benefits of community involvement in Open Source compliance. Preceding this, three preparatory workshops took place in various European cities (Paris, Barcelona, Turin), addressing various compliance aspects It was including tools and practices designed by and for legal professionals, compliance practices in research, and challenges and resolutions encountered by public administration.

It will leverage and consolidate the insights acquired throughout the year, and foster inclusive discussion on the highlighted topics. Prominent figures offering legal, technical, or political solutions to shared compliance challenges will present their perspectives. A summary of the half-day session will be published to facilitate the dissemination of existing tools and practices.

If you have an interest in this topic, we welcome your participation in this half-day session of discussions and knowledge exchange, with a special focus on creating open community tools and guidelines.

December 07, 2023


Salle 142

5 Open Source Security Tools All Developers Should Know About

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

In this talk we will focus on five critical security controls that will be integrated as part of the CI/CD pipeline by leveraging some excellent open source tools, including: Bandit or SEMGrep for static application security (SAST), Gitleaks to detect hard-coded or insufficiently secured secrets & dependency checks (SCA), KICS for infrastructure as code (IaC) and OWASP’s ZAP for API and dynamic application security (DAST), in addition to custom controls to ensure proper enforcement of MFA via Github Security. These controls will provide a foundational framework for securing your applications from the first line of code, that will make it possible to continuously iterate and evolve your security maturity all the way through advanced layers of security that comes with time, as well as increased experience with your deployments, stacks, and security posture.


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Data visualization service at Orange with Apache Superset

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Presentation of the Data Visualization managed service integrated in Orange Cloud systems, based on Apache Superset open source SW.
We will share with you:
– how did we decide to chose Apache Superset vs other data visualization alternative solutions in order to better meet our business needs
– our Return of Experience on the service we have integrated within Orange Cloud ecosystem, making it compliant to the company rules, including security aspects (authentication, vulnerabilities checks, backup ; restore)


  • Anca Bobes

    - Manager of Business Intelligence & Data Management - Orange Innovation based in Romania
  • Anca Enciu

    - BI Project Manager - Orange Innovation
  • Anca Dumitru

    - BI developer - Orange

December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

The secret life of a goroutine

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Goroutines are an exciting part of the Go language, but what are they? How are they created? How are they paused? How are they resumed? There are a lot of questions that the regular go programmer doesn’t need to know and usually doesn’t know, but if you, like me, are a curious person, you probably want to know more about what is going on under the hood.

Come with me on this interesting trip through one of the most outstanding features of the Go language, the goroutines, and discover what makes your Go programs tick!


December 07, 2023

Salle 153a

Large Language Models, what we learn in one year

Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of natural language processing, enabling machines to generate coherent and contextually relevant text. These models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-3.5, have garnered significant attention and sparked wide-ranging discussions about their potential applications, ethical implications, and overall user experience. This presentation aims to explore the usage of large language models, shedding light on the opportunities, challenges, an capabilities after a year of daily usage.


December 07, 2023


Salle 124/125

SPONSOR: Twake Workplace, the “truly” Open Source Digital Workplace, unveiled by its Product Owners


No, this is not a sales presentation. At this conference, discover Twake Workplace, the Digital Workplace “truly” Open Source by those who develop it.

All the Product Owners will be on hand to present the technological challenges they have faced in sharing a brand-new, truly Open Source Digital Workplace with the Open Source community. Come and take advantage of a unique series of feedback sessions on Matrix, James Apache and Flutter technologies, presented by renowned expert contributors such as: Brigadier General Xavier Guimard, creator of LemonLDAP and one of the very first debian contributors, or Benoit Tellier, Chairman Apache James,…


December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

Sponsor : Open Source Foundations, Dark Knights or Super Heroes?

Policies, Strategy & Legal

In a world where innovation thrives on breaking free from constraints, are open source foundations standing out as the outdated shackles stifling progress? We dare to ask the provocative question: Are these foundations the heroes the Open Source deserves or the villains it can’t escape?

Our panel of seasoned provocateurs will serve up spicy discourse on the relevance, or lack thereof, of open source foundations. We’ll dissect governance, scrutinise funding models and debate whether these foundations are the saviours of liberty or if they’ve donned the mask of the nefarious Harvey Two-Face. Prepare for a tongue-in-cheek showdown that will have you questioning everything you thought you knew about the free and open source landscape.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

Can we dream of technological utopia?

Responsible Digital

In a world where utopia is often perceived as dangerous or unrealistic, the vision of a better future through technology seems to have vanished. It would nevertheless seem that this lack of vision has impacted our exponential productions in a dangerous and imbalanced way. Blind belief in perpetual progress has made any questioning about the usefulness and impact of technology impossible.
This talk aims to promote the idea that belief in well thought-out technological utopias promotes the development of their positive impacts both socially and ecologically. It is time to think again about our approach to technology, to move away from simple production without consideration of the consequences and to commit to more in-depth thinking about the values and objectives that we wish to achieve.

How can we rethink technology and our relationship with it during this ecological and social crisis?


  • Mathilde Longuet

    - Ingénieure informatique et technologue. Pour une technologie au service de l'émancipation humaine.. - OwnTech Foundation

December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

Open Source foundations: black knights or superheroes?


December 07, 2023


Salle 142

I am sabotaging your production live with 15 security vulnerabilities.

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

As developers, we often regard security as a distant problem and cannot see its relevance.
Yet our code is often the cause of several flaws that we ignore.
Let’s look at them and exploit them together, live, on an existing application.

After this session, you will be able to answer the following questions:

– Is security part of my domain?
– What is the developer’s role in application security?
– What best practices should be applied?

Get ready, no holds barred!


December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

Open source dataset for aeronautic : Runways detection

AI, Machine Learning, Data

The presentation wil introduce an open source dataset tailored specifically for the aerospace industry, focusing on the detection of runways. Comprising 17,000 images, each equipped with relevant metadata, this dataset serves as a valuable resource for training neural networks to identify runways accurately. The creation process adheres to stringent Operational Domain Definition (ODD) requirements, incorporating images sourced from Google Earth and real-life landing videos on YouTube.
In addition to the comprehensive image collection, we present scripts that empower the community to expand and diversify the dataset further. By fostering collaboration, this dataset serves as a catalyst for pioneering research in object detection, instilling robustness, explainability, and confidence in artificial intelligence applications developed for aeronautical contexts.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

Green IT and Open Source : a long story short for a bright future

Responsible Digital

Free and Open source software were born in frugality. Often lacking money for devs, it came a long way until global exposure and massive adoption. We will show that in these roots lies some very useful culture and future solutions. For IT to be part of the solutions and not part of the problem.
We will remind why digital is in exponential growth, and why this is a problem. Using Figures and recent studies to help understand trends and issues.
We will present a few principles heading towards digital sobriety, directly in the open source field or massively using it.
The Shift project is a Lobby intending to “stay under +2°C” regarding climate change, influencing stakeholders : companies, institutions, governement and policy.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

CI/CD, a journey into the future: Open Source as a bulwark against supply chain chaos

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

We’ve just come back from the year 2025, and we’ve got a few things to share with you (that’s our open source side).
All development projects have become attack vectors. Not on the application itself, but on the supply chain!

Yes, those famous CI/CD pipelines.
The bottom line: all supply chains have become fragile, unmaintainable and vulnerable to cyber-attacks, largely due to poor development practices. It’s chaos!

In this 20-minute talk, we propose to explore the Open Source approach to creating, maintaining and securing your CI/CD pipelines.

We believe this approach will help avoid the chaos of years to come.
Time will tell, so come and discuss it with us!


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Databases and data in cybersecurity

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

The data contained in a database is invaluable as it is a resource that interests people with malevolent intentions. The use of data contained in the database is capable of jeopardizing users referenced in the base and is liable to damage the image of the institution which is in charge of its operation.

To give you the best possible chance of success, Christophe and Sébastien reveal a set of best practices for securing databases and their content with the MariaDB database. Data security is a major challenge involving all development and infrastructure elements.


December 07, 2023


Salle Passy

Fuel your project with NGI commons: European funding for FOSS and open models with social impact, open to all

NGI (Next Generation Internet), part of the European Commission’s Horizon program, offers a cascading funding scheme based on calls for projects, open to all.

NGI Commons is NGI’s vehicle for the next 3 years: its aim, to finance the future of a European Internet and digital commons based on open source, integrates a societal vision founded on the protection of private data, inclusivity, public liberties, sobriety and network neutrality.

This is why the program, steered by NLnet, includes most of the European foundations (OW2 for the community, FSFE and the Internet Society for free and neutral projects, Open Forum Europe for politics and society, the Free Silicon Foundation for open hardware, APELL for the business world), as well as committed open source players (such as NixOS and Tolerant Networks) and academics (HAN Arnhem University).

Around 300 projects are expected to be funded, with an average of less than 100 kEUR.

Applying is as simple as filling in a form: any European structure, consortium or individual (even a minor one) carrying out an open source project or related activity with an open model is eligible, with a range from 5k to 50kEUR for the first application (subject to subsequent application(s): maximum of 500 kEUR, after intermediate evaluation).


December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

Picocli, put some Java in your terminal!

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

CLIs (Command Line Interfaces) are used by everyone and have been around since the dawn of time. Often synonymous with productivity gains, their creation is sometimes obscure and can seem complex. It was the case a few decades ago, but for several years now, languages and frameworks are used to write simply in your favourite language.

I propose using a language that does not seem, at first sight, very intuitive to create a CLI: Java! But it will be well supported in this task: thanks to Picocli and Quarkus, ours will have all the makings of a great CLI while being easy to develop! And, as a cherry on the cake, we will create a “real” executable using Graal VM.

Come and join me for a live coding session to highlight how to create a CLI from scratch in Java with Picocli and Quarkus!


December 07, 2023



Panel discussion: Why should you care about Open Source? Four women from the digital industry speak out

Responsible Digital

It’s never too late to opt for open source! From their career choices at high school, in their university courses or even during their conversion to open source, we will look at the experiences of 4 women who have built their career around it.
Technical, sales, consulting/research or marketing jobs… open source is open to all profiles. By making their code accessible to all, open source projects allow them to work collaboratively. Open source has become a field of excellence in a booming digital market and provides solutions to build a more innovative and responsible digital world. Join us in this round table and find out why open source deserves your interest.

This round table is part of French Digital and Computer Science Week running from 4 to 9 December, aimed at improving knowledge of digital careers, and promoting the teaching of Digital and Information Science (NSI) in French high schools.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

Improve Cybersecurity Datasets using Open Source Standards

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Machine Learning relevance is a matter of data.
But data must contains meaning to be useable.
If we talk about how to detection of cyberattacks through data we need to talk about:
What is a cyberattack?
What kind of data could describe it ?
Fortunately Open Source standards appeared in the community to help us.
This session aims to describe the diffculty to have proper data to train machine learning model for cyberattack detection and what Open Source standards could change in this situation.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

Local authorities, actors of a more durable and free computing

Policies, Strategy & Legal

To fulfil their public service remit, local authorities have major IT requirements. Office automation, business software, servers, hardware, (digital) relations with residents: the technical choices involved are obviously not politically neutral, and must respond to imperative considerations of public interest.

This round table, hosted by April, will review experiences in different local authorities to show the possible leverage available to them to set up freer and more sustainable computing and think more holistically about their role in the development of more responsible IT. This will be the opportunity to talk about, among other things, pooling, public commissioning, sustainability, digital sufficiency and free software, of course.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

ADEME’s work to support the deployment of digital responsibility

Responsible Digital

ADEME, the French Agency for Ecological Transition under the authority of the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, helps implement public policies in the fields of the environment, energy and sustainable development. One of the agency’s concerns is the growing importance of digital technology and its environmental and social impact. In France, the digital sector is responsible for 2.5% of the country’s carbon footprint and accounts for 10% of electricity consumption. This talk will provide an opportunity to present ADEME’s work on digital responsibility: the regulatory framework, freely-available studies/calculators/data on the direct and indirect environmental impacts of digital technology, benchmarks designed to extend the lifespan of equipment, such as the reparability and durability index, as well as programs to support organizations and local authorities in deploying eco-design and digital sufficiency.


December 07, 2023


Salle 142

Strengthening Your Software Supply Chain with Vulnerability Scanning

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, securing the software supply chain has become a top priority for organizations of all sizes. One critical step in securing the software supply chain is vulnerability scanning. In this talk, we will explore the vulnerability scanning process and its importance in identifying weak spots in software code and dependencies. We will discuss how vulnerability scanners use the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) to identify vulnerabilities, prioritize them, and mitigate risks. We will also review the inputs and outputs of vulnerability scanning and the vulnerability scanning architecture and ecosystem. Additionally, we will examine the different types of software and systems that need to be scanned, as well as when to scan them. By the end of this talk, attendees will gain a better understanding of vulnerability scanning and how it can be used to strengthen their software supply chain.


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Securing Jitsi in SAAS

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Review of the technical architecture and operation of a SAAS-hosted HDS solution based on Jitsi, Jitsi-admin and Keycloak.
The project, which is already in production, enables health insurance medical officers (the organizer) or their secretaries to make an appointment with a private practitioner (the guest) for peer-to-peer discussions on medical topics, on a platform interconnected to the health insurance SSO for authentication. Guests pass through an airlock, then remain in a waiting room until the organizer opens the video conference and validates their arrival. Sessions are automatically closed five minutes after the departure of the organizer.


December 07, 2023


SPONSOR: Red Hat Hypershift: a short tour between vendor and integrator

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Worteks and Red Hat present Hypershift, a middleware for hosting OpenShift control planes.

December 07, 2023


Salle 142

You should not blindly trust your vulnerability scanner and here is why!

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

When we talk about the security of production platforms, we strongly rely on vulnerability scanners. There are many of them and they do an amazing job by helping us identify security problems (missing configurations, identification information, CVEs, etc.). But as powerful as they may be, we should not put our blind trust in them. There are whole swathes of information that security scanners cannot even see so how can they help us secure it? In this talk, I would like to share my experience in security scanners of all kinds, their advantages and their disadvantages. But above all, and even more importantly, how to offset their shortcomings and offer the highest possible level of constant security.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

5 Ways You Could Have Hacked Node.js

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Join me as I take you on a deep dive into the world of Node.js security. As a member of the Node.js Security team, I’ve witnessed firsthand how all languages are or were vulnerable to some kind of threat. In the year 2022, our team performed numerous Security Releases, some of which presented challenging situations that required creative solutions.

If you’re interested in the technical aspects of hacking and securing Node.js, you won’t want to miss this talk. I’ll share with you 5 ways in which Node.js can be hacked, and delve into the tactics used by the Node.js team to deal with vulnerabilities. Moreover, I’ll also reveal how you can earn money by finding critical vulnerabilities in Node.js. So, whether you’re a developer, a security enthusiast, or simply curious about Node.js security, this talk is for you. Join me and let’s explore the exciting world of Node.js security together!


December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

Beyond Logs: Real-Time Anomaly Detection with Machine Learning

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Logs and traces generated by applications are valuable sources of information that can help detect issues and improve performance. However, they are often treated separately from other data, even though they are no different from the data an application works with. In this talk, we will explore a different approach: treating logs and traces as part of a scalable cloud storage repository that can be analyzed with the same techniques used for big data.

By keeping all the data together, we can apply machine learning models to detect situations of interest and alert us in real-time when unwanted behavior is occurring or brewing. This approach enables intelligent monitoring that goes beyond simple threshold-based alerts and can help identify complex issues that would otherwise go unnoticed. We will discuss how to harness existing technologies to implement this approach, providing attendees with practical tips and insights that they can apply to their own projects.


  • Fawaz Ghali

    - Principal Data Science Architect and Head of Developer Relations - Hazelcast

December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

Web and degrowth: heading for a “stationary” web ?

Responsible Digital

Forecasts for the development of the web in terms of both infrastructure and services point to continued growth over the coming decades. Its footprint in France (12% of electrical consumption) could triple by 2050.

At the same time, climate specialists, like many scientific experts, clearly describe the necessity of drastically reducing our CO2 emissions (and even more).

These are two clashing scenarios at different levels. Several solutions are put forward. One includes degrowth, sometimes criticized but above all misunderstood.

Let’s look at what this model proposes and how to position the web of the Future within that context.


  • Maxime Brehin

    - Ingénieur R&D et formateur - Engagé dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique - Delicious Insights

December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Apache James: backbone for healthcare data exchanges in France

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

In France, GIE Sesam Vitale coordinates data exchange between healthcare professionals and medical insurance funds. To do this, the GIE has set up an email exchange platform.

Docapost operates the new version of the platform on an open source base: Apache James, the email server of the Apache foundation, proposes a high availability, geo-replicated and scalable infrastructure. We are talking about 5 million emails and 500 GB of incoming emails per day.

This deployment is proof that critical infrastructure documents can be handled by open source techniques.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

Ada, the really safe language, has a new standard

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Ada is a well-established language, specifically designed to develop real time, secure applications. Mainly used in industrial applications, it is behind many successes in avionics, rail, air traffic control, defence, etc. This presentation shows its main characteristics and new features provided by the new ISO Ada 2022 standard. And of course, it is supported by a free compiler and by proprietary implementations.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

The African Continent: A New Eldorado ?

Policies, Strategy & Legal

At the heart of winning strategies of digital industry, Africa attracts technological giants from all over the world. This attractiveness generates major geopolitical stakes, and the continent has become a battleground for the USA and China, both keen to consolidate their influence in this part of the world. A form of neocolonialism is also emerging, through partnerships where European businesses play a significant role. This talk will cover the dynamics, opportunities and challenges of this “new eldorado”, questioning the strategic autonomy of African countries. While these partnerships can have beneficial effects both on the development of infrastructure and of upskilling services, they nevertheless raise crucial questions on the strategic autonomy of these countries that are highly dependent on world powers.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

Beyond the Opacity of Deep Neural Networks

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Despite their exceptional capabilities, the most advanced machine-learning models lack scrutability, which prevents their integration into critical systems. The key challenge for explainability methods lies in their ability to unveil the inner workings of these black boxes. This involves revealing the decision-making strategy, understanding their internal states, and studying the underlying data representation. To address this challenge, we have developed Xplique: a software library for explainability that includes representative explainability methods as well as associated evaluation metrics. It interfaces with one of the most popular learning libraries: Tensorflow as well as other libraries including PyTorch and Scikit-learn.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

FABCITY: Producing distributable material commons using open source processes

Responsible Digital

Eco-designing, producing and distributing hardware commons supported by the free software production cooperative process. In the first part, we will present the FabCity program which is an initiative engaged in promoting and developing actions linked to local, circular and digital production. In the second part, we will look at the feedback conducted within “third places” (Entre Dore et Allier media library and Manufacture de Saint Etienne fablab).


December 07, 2023


Salle 142

Asset management at the service of cybersecurity

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

CVE vulnerabilities represent security holes in software, operating systems or devices, and can jeopardize the confidentiality, integrity and availability of sensitive information. It is therefore essential for organizations to be able to identify them quickly and take appropriate corrective action. Find out how you can use your IT inventory to identify security vulnerabilities in your assets.


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Proxmox-VE: the open-source alternative to VMware?

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

VMware is the world leader in business virtualization solutions. Proxmox-VE is the most widely used Open Source hypervisor.

By reviewing Proxmox-VE’s advanced features, we’ll try to see whether it offers a viable and definitive alternative to VMware in business.

The talk will focus on the most innovative aspects of the Proxmox offering, and in particular on the following points:

– an overview of Proxmox Cluster File System (pmxcfs)
– hyper-converged infrastructure with Proxmox-VE and CEPH
– SDN and PVE infrastructure for business
– Overview of Proxmox APIs

This overview should give CIOs and professionals a better understanding of the opportunities offered by Proxmox-VE in business.


December 07, 2023


Salle 124/125

Sponsor : Secure your Open Source productions

Canonical, publisher of Ubuntu, secures and supports open source solutions. Our portfolio covers mission-critical systems, from edge to cloud, kernel to containers, DB to AI.
We’ll cover generative AI on Ubuntu, as well as the creation of business models with open source tools, automated to scale to deliver more value.
Our IoT offering ensures security, from the cloud to all types of embedded equipment. Develop, deploy and leverage our partner ecosystem for seamless integration with hardware and silicon suppliers.


  • Reg Deraed

    - Continental Europe Sales Director - Canonical Ltd.

December 07, 2023



Wikimedia – Discover the Wikeys game!

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

Wikeys is the Wikimedia movement’s first board game, designed to introduce children aged 12 and over to the founding principles of Wikipedia. Designed by Prismatik with the support of the French Ministry of Culture and the help of a working group of teachers, this collaborative game is available free of charge in print & play.

December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Connecting disparate systems in a lightweight way

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Have you ever had difficulty logging onto systems that have not been designed to communicate together? It is a common challenge that many microservice architectures now have to face. In this presentation, we will explore some tools and approaches that can help you break down these silos and integrate your microservices with external systems perfectly transparently. This will allow quicker development cycles and more efficient integration.
We will start by introducing Apache Camel, a powerful tool that has more than 300 connectors to transfer data between a large variety of systems. Camel has a vast array of features in terms of routing, filtering and transformation. It is a multipurpose systems integration tool which can help integrate your systems efficiently.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

An Overview of /e/OS: Privacy and Sustainable Development made possible thanks to Open Source

Responsible Digital

/e/OS is a smartphone operating system forked from AOSP/LineageOS, created in 2018. It offers default features freeing users from the permanent collection of their private data: complete deGoolization, deletion of application trackers, masking of the IP address…
It also offers additional cloud services to the OS (drive, email, calendar, office document management, etc.), also completely based on free software.
Compatible with over 200 smartphone models, it offers a new life to old ones, sometimes as much as 10 years old – all through open source!


  • Gaël Duval

    - Fondateur de Mandrake Linux et /e/OS - CEO de Murena - e Foundation

December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

Elm language for business webapps: lessons learned

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Elm is “an exquisite language for reliable web apps”, “easy to learn with user-friendly error messages”. It also promises that “in production, your web apps are efficient and do not generate any execution errors”.

We saw an opportunity here to reduce our maintenance costs. In 2017, we chose to use it for our web application projects. We have never regretted this choice. This presentation will explain why. We will also present a few contributions to the ecosystem that we have created over the years.


December 07, 2023


Salle 142

Round Table : When should you think about safety management?

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Open Source Cybersecurity Tools Exchange


December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

Recent developments at the European Commission on open source

Policies, Strategy & Legal

The EC Open Source Programme Office (OSPO) will give an overview on the activities carried out in 2023 in the area of open source, such as the adoption of hackathons as a valid way to resolve software development problems, the progress done in terms inner sourcing and open sourcing initiatives, the increasing adoption of open source components to deliver new services or the preparations for the next open source strategy. In addition, a special focus will be given to the ongoing pilot project funded by the European Parliament for the development of a European Open Source Solutions Catalogue for public services.


December 07, 2023


Salle 124/125

SPONSOR : The LLM France Open Community and the CLAIRE model for Open Source and European Generative AI

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Launched in July 2023, in the face of the tidal wave of Generative AI, the OpenLLM France Community was formed with the aim of developing a sovereign, Open Source Large Language Model (LLM).

LLMs represent the future of language understanding. These models represent strategic sources of productivity for businesses, and will have an impact on the lives of our fellow citizens. That’s why, at LINAGORA and within the OpenLLM France community, we firmly believe that it’s crucial to promote sovereignty, transparency and openness.

The aim of this community is therefore to bring together the vital forces of academia and industry, with a view to developing a French, sovereign, truly Open Source LLM based on public and open learning data corpora, and algorithms documented under a free, non-restrictive license.

Michel-Marie Maudet, Managing Director of LINAGORA, will present this digital commons par excellence, the CLAIRE LLM model, the result of the OpenLLM France community, operational since October 2023. He will take this opportunity to review the challenges and future developments.


December 07, 2023

Salle 153a

Framework OpenSource & model pour Generative Ai APP

Discover how to use frameworks and oss libraries to deploy a Generative AI application. We’ll look at the different possibilities, connectors and the use of several LLMs.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

State of the art of open source softwares in the No-code/Low-code movement

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

The no-code/low code movement is taking over businesses.
The sector’s heavyweights are proprietary SaaS platforms.
However, a number of open source players are emerging, trying to capitalize on their openness and strengths.

The French no-code community has more than 10,000 members and is one of the most active in the world. It includes people from all backgrounds (most of the time not even in IT). It often works through recommendations.

Let’s explore this ecosystem together and the problems it faces in establishing itself. We will also talk about how to present the philosophy behind free software to the lay public.


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

How and why to secure Internet communications today against attacks from future quantum computers.

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Current developments in quantum computing are a growing threat to cryptographic algorithms used today, for example in secured voice on IP and instant messaging applications. Even though such a quantum computer has not yet been officially announced, some governments recommend protecting data against this type of attack by 2030. Encrypted data shared today could be stored and decrypted in the future by these quantum computers. That is why it is important to encrypt them now with algorithms that can fend off such an attack. The Linphone application is a global pioneer in open source communication software, implementing the award-winning algorithm in the encryption key category, CRYSTALS-Kyber. One of the key stages is the development of a modified version of the normalized ZRTP encryption protocol.


  • Johan Pascal

    - Consultant en sécurité logicielle et auteur de BZRTP, freelance - Freelance & Consultant pour Belledonne Communications

December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

I use ecoCode, I do green coding and it’s Open Source ! TOSIT

Responsible Digital

Member companies of TOSIT (Crédit Agricole, Enedis, BPCE, RTE) will report on the use of plugins compatible with SonarQube grouped into “ecoCode” libraries.
How does the analysis of source code in integration chains continue to make our digital technology more responsible?
Software exists through the hardware (computers, smartphone, servers, network hardware, etc.) on which it runs.
These devices have an environmental impact through their energy consumption, their production and their end of life.
One of the solutions is to build lighter sites, eco-designed applications that avoid unnecessary battery consumption and fight terminal obsolescence.
ecoCode offers an open source solution through the awareness and feedback of indicators directly linked to the code produced.


  • Gwladys Mampouya

    - Responsable Numérique Responsable - Crédit Agricole membre du TOSIT

December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

Open Source & SaaS : a virtuous circle

Policies, Strategy & Legal

The virtuous sides of the Open Source model are well known; at the same time, and without necessarily a causal link, many companies are migrating to SaaS-type models.

In this session, we’ll explore both subjects and see that a causal link does exist, but also that this relationship between Open Source and SaaS is actually more complex than at first sight, since it forms a virtuous circle that, in retrospect, looks like a no-brainer! Are Open Source and SaaS, two very strong trends in our industry, the perfect couple?


December 07, 2023



Daft Associative Zone

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

Building on the success of Section d’Assos and l’Assaut de Bien Fêteurs, this year, OSXP is thrilled to introduce the Zone Associative Déjantée as we celebrate 25 years of LinuxFr.org and OSI!

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Engaging Introduction
  • Inspiring OSI and LinuxFr.org speeches
  • Fun-filled Wacky Quiz and Exciting Gifts
  • A tantalizing stack of cupcakes adorned with 25 candles
  • Enjoyment of delicious cupcake delights

The atmosphere will be set with fantastic music, courtesy of a Free Music DJ from Dogmazic.

And to top it off, we’ll have cupcakes and vintage beer bottles for everyone to savor!

Join us for a memorable celebration of two remarkable milestones, filled with camaraderie, knowledge, and a touch of eccentricity.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

Open-Source in the industry

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

IIoT or Industrial automation projects mainly use proprietary and closed solutions!
Is it possible to create an open and secure PLC (programmable logic controller) based on open-source projects?
From the programming environment (dedicated automation engineer) to the execution runtime what are the existing open-source projects ?
What are the obstacles to the adoption of open-source in the field of industrial automation?
Open-source factory? what open-source control systems (SCADA) exist? who develops them and where are they installed?


  • Sylvain Pastor

    - System architect;Embedded Software Manager;Linux;Yocto - Elistair

December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

The Sovereign Workplace software project

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

The Sovereign Workplace project is a true Open Source based office productivity suite. It features already established and enterprise-ready Open Source Software with a higher level of integration between the individual software components. Ultimately the Sovereign Workplace will provide for a standardized environment for office productivity tools especially for the public hand where administration tasks will be delivered in full control and in compliance with Data Privacy and Digital Sovereignty. The Sovereign Workplace is a cloud-borne solution which provides scalability and supports mission critical use cases. It is the future of a Digitally Sovereign office productivity.


December 07, 2023


Salle 142

To-be-continuous: How to industrialize CI/CD on GitLab?

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

A key factor in efficient software production, the CI/CD chain must be standardized so that its own design and implementation are no longer an event in themselves.
How do you guarantee:

* your team’s capability to approach and maintain them?
* their quality and regularity throughout your projects?
* the maturity of DevSecOps workflows set up?
* coverage of security in your supply chain?
* integration into your business ecosystem?

CS Group and Orange reveal how to be continuous which answers these questions and industrializes CI/CD pipelines on Gitlab.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

Framasoft: Towards a (really) friendly and a (really) common internet

Responsible Digital

Are GAFAMs the symptom of a systemic problem: surveillance capitalism.

There are many and often damaging technical, political, economic and of course ecological impacts of this extension of capitalism.

The Framasoft campaign “COllectivisons INternet, COnvivialisons INternet” (“COIN COIN”), which runs from 2023 to 2025, does not aim to be exceptional, but to show that it is possible with very limited means to create ethical digital environments outside this system.

Whether we’re talking about training programs to support the digital transition (“Emancip’Asso”), making 10,000 Nextcloud spaces available free of charge (“Framaspace”), promoting PeerTube as an alternative platform to YouTube (“Peer.tube”), or learning and sharing between European players with common values (“ECHO Network”), we believe another Internet is possible.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

“Open Science Open Source: A winning bet?”

Policies, Strategy & Legal

“Open Science Prize for Free Research Software 2023”
“When open source meets the needs of open science”
“Can Open Source Save Biodiversity”


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

SPONSOR: SSO and identity federation with LemonLDAP::NG open-source software

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Identity management is becoming increasingly important these days, and there are many SSO offerings to choose from.
At the heart of this market, LemonLDAP::NG is a robust, complete and adaptable open-source WebSSO implementation.
The aim of this session is to explain SSO concepts, present the LemonLDAP::NG software and give practical feedback: architecture, status, difficulties encountered and results. You’ll know it all!


December 07, 2023



Award ceremony for the Coding Contest “Development of a Web-based application for mobile devices”.

This Coding Contest, organized by Systematic Paris-Region and supported by W3C and OW2, involves creating an operational application for mobile devices based on new web technologies. The application must include at least one of the following technologies, ideally several: WebXR, Progressive Web Application (HTML, JavaScript, CSS …), Quick App…
Around 30 students compete in teams of 3.
The projects will be published on the Huawei stand at the show and put to the public vote until December 7 at 12 noon. A jury will determine the best projects, taking into account the public votes received.

December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

Secure your data communication with OPC UA

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

Digitalization of infrastructures entails new security challenges which needs to be addressed. This includes the secure transmission of sensitive data. Among its key characteristics, OPC UA includes native cybersecurity mechanisms which are evaluated by the BSI (German equivalent of the french ANSSI) on a regular basis. As a consequence, OPC UA is widely adopted for systems which need to fulfill security requirements for regulatory constraints.
During this talk, after an introduction to these features, several uses cases will be discussed. Finaly, we will see that open source solutions exist to secure your system with OPC UA.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

Unleash the Power of COOL: Seamless Integration, Cutting-Edge Features and Empowered Collaboration

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

Join us for an exciting journey into the world of Collabora Online (COOL), a powerful office suite, seamlessly integrated into your favourite File Sync & Share or LMS provision. Experience the advancements made in the past year, from enhanced performance and interoperability, to improved accessibility and interactivity.
We have infused the underlying LibreOffice technology with a host of essential features for administrators and users alike, including collaborative editing, change-tracking, privilege and privacy controls and so much more.
Learn how Collabora Online brings scalable, secure, on-premise document editing to everyone, simplifying the way you work with an office solution that is truly exceptional.


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Ubuntu4Orange (member of TOSIT)

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

– A Community OS base to deploy open source, Orange France know-how to operate it, in security and in Cloud eco-systems thanks to continuous integration.
– A willingness to share across the Group through inner source and more broadly through Open Source
– Ubuntu4Orange is originally an industrialization offering for Orange France’s internal use, featuring the Group’s know-how in hardening, securing and integrating IS and service platform operational requirements.


December 07, 2023


Salle 142

An Introduction to Nix: Reproducible builds and deployments

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Nix, with its functional philosophy, revolutionizes package and configuration management, offering unmatched control, reliability, and flexibility. This session will explore the basics of Nix, its unique features, and how they can enhance your experience as a developer or system administrator. We’ll cover topics such as reproducibility, dependency isolation, atomic transactions, and rollback mechanisms. Whether you’re a developer, system administrator, or simply interested in open-source, this session aims to provide valuable, practical insights.


  • Yvan Sraka

    - Senior DevX Engineer (currently playing with Rust, Nix and Haskell) - IOG

December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

the power of a collective approach to responsible digital

Responsible Digital

One session to present our collective Tech’Care planet initiative which currently brings together more than 55 national or regional associations and almost 900 signatories (businesses, training stakeholders, local authorities, etc.).
Or our actions to promote diversity or inclusion within our Femmes du Numérique program, which we are conducting ourselves with a focus on retraining, but also with our partners such as Femmes@Numérique of which we are founding members or even Social Builder.


  • Virginie Royer

    - Déléguée au Numérique Responsable, Femmes du Numérique & Planet Tech'Care - Numeum

December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

Embedded systems security: a technical and organizational approach

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

Security is a major issue. Embedded systems are increasingly complex and connected, making them more vulnerable. The aim of this round table is to discuss best practices for guaranteeing security


  • Daniel Fages

    - expert sécurité des systèmes embarqués sous Android AOSP - Freelance
  • Eloi Bail

    - Directeur des Opération de la société d’ingénierie spécialisé sur Linux embarqué - Savoir Faire linux
  • Thomas Petazzoni

    - CEO - Bootlin
  • Jean-Charles Verdié

    - EMEA : Head of Devices / IoT Field Engineering EMA - Canonical

December 07, 2023


Salle 142

Finding Harmony in Distributed Systems: Choreography vs Orchestration in Software Development

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Why did the choreographer refuse to use orchestration in their distributed system? Because they wanted their components to dance to their own beat, without a central conductor! This talk explores the differences between choreography and orchestration in software development for distributed systems. Choreography involves the independent coordination of software components through message passing, while orchestration involves a central orchestrator managing the interactions between components. Through examples such as e-commerce and travel booking systems, the strengths and weaknesses of each approach are highlighted. By understanding the pros and cons of each approach, software developers can make informed decisions about which approach to use for their specific use case, ultimately finding harmony in their distributed systems.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

50000 public web sites, their (non-)accessibility and me

Responsible Digital

18 months of studies and research allowed us to build the “Observatoire de l’accessibilité”, a free software to regularly measure the application of the RGAA (Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité).

50,000 public sector websites have been initially analyzed. We offer an objective and quantified look at this colossal mass of data published in open data, with its share of questions:

– Are cities more accessible than ministries?
– Are the municipalities, with a population that is older than average, more accessible?
– Who is responsible: providers? public buyers? Groups for disabled persons?


December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

Sovereignty and collaborative messaging, resilience in a strategic sector

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

After 50 years of existence, the notion of emails continues to play a critical role for all organizations. Today, as always, one challenge dominates: resilience. The aim is to have a stand-out vision of the resilience of messaging in 2023. The key words of this program will be sovereignty, security, availability, deliverability, monitoring and attributability. We will provide possible solutions to the different strategies and commitments announced, giving a vision of the direction of the sector in the coming years.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

When you aren’t a software editor, how to go from publishing to maintaining an open source ? (TOSIT)

Policies, Strategy & Legal

When you’re not used to producing software, especially open source software, you sometimes mistakenly think that publishing open source software is the culmination of the work you’ve done… when in fact it’s the beginning of the adventure.
Efforts made to publish and the pride of seeing the project come to fruition do indeed make you think that!
We have brought together 7 players, 1 ESN and 4 major users, of which 3 are members of TOSIT who have been involved in this adventure for a long time.
They will tell us what best practices or pitfalls they have identified.
The software and maintainers present at this round table will be:
• ToBeContinuous > Girija SAINT ANGE of Orange Innovation
• .Stat Suite > Eric ANVAR of the OECD
• Orekit > Sébastien DINOT of CSgroup
• Otoroshi, Izanami, Daikoku,… > François DESMIER of MAIF
• Lutèce > Philippe BAREILLE of Paris City Hall
• Powsybl > Anne TILLOY of RTE
• Amani JEBALI of SOFRECOM Tunisia


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Mine your processes: Discover the potential of BPM and Process Mining

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Are you ready to dig deep into your company’s processes? Together, let’s reveal the treasures of efficiency and productivity hidden in your business processes thanks to BPM and Process Mining. We’ll map these mysterious areas, understand and optimize the complex choreography your business performs every day.
Our compass for this journey will be the Bonita platform, which will help us navigate, automate and optimize your business processes. And to illuminate our journey, we’ll have the Process Analytics project, which will inform our process analyses.
Prepare yourself for an immersion in the world of BPM and Process Mining, and look forward to transforming your business into a more efficient and productive structure. A journey rich in discovery and innovation awaits you.
So, are you ready to dig in?

December 07, 2023


Salle 152

SPONSOR: Dig into your processes: Discover the potential of BPM and Process Mining

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Are you ready to dig deep into your company’s processes? Together, let’s reveal the treasures of efficiency and productivity hidden in your business processes thanks to BPM and Process Mining. We’ll map these mysterious areas, understand and optimize the complex choreography your business performs every day.
Our compass for this journey will be the Bonita platform, which will help us navigate, automate and optimize your business processes. And to illuminate our journey, we’ll have the Process Analytics project, which will inform our process analyses.
Prepare yourself for an immersion in the world of BPM and Process Mining, and look forward to transforming your business into a more efficient and productive structure. A journey rich in discovery and innovation awaits you.
So, are you ready to dig in?


December 07, 2023

Plenary Session

Salle Passy

DSI Experience

It’s no secret that open source is everywhere! Every survey shows that there is no organization that can claim not to use technical solutions from this ecosystem. But what are the secrets behind this craze?
From a simple windfall effect for some, to a highly strategic orientation for others, how do our leading CIOs hope to extract the quintessence of open source and transform it into a competitive advantage or performance driver?
Leading CIOs will be taking part in three round-table discussions to discuss their current issues and future prospects.

2:30 – 3:30 pm: Mastering IS with Open Source


Alain NOCHIMOSKI – Chief Technology Officer – Viaccess-Orca

Virginie ROZIÈRE – Digital Director – French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

Animed by Patrick BRÉBION – Journalist – L’INFORMATICIEN

3:45 – 4:30 pm : How do CIOs from large organizations work with open source?


Lucian BALEA – Deputy R&D Director and Open Source Director – RTE Réseau de Transport d’Electricité

Frédéric NOVELLO – Deputy Chief Digital Officer – SNCF

Animed by Denis LAFONT-TREVISAN – Open Source & European Sovereignty builder

4:30 – 5:15 pm : Open source ecosystem and the public sector: towards a mature collaboration?




Animed by Pierre BAUDRACCO – Président du Hub Open Source Systematic et co-président du CNLL

December 07, 2023


Salle 142

How to implement observabilui

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

Conventional monitoring in these days of the cloud and multiservice architectures is no longer the norm. Where monitoring spots a problem, it is necessary to answer the “why?” of the problem, its root cause. We are going to see, through the example of eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter), a real one-stop shop, how to set up such a strategy and have an overview of how things operate.
Starting with a practical example (a Kubernetes infrastructure), we will look at the installation and configuration of eBPF and how it can be used, especially for network- and security-related issues.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

Cyber Resilience and Operational Survival Platform

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

Track: Business solutions: from internal collaboration to external communication

In the face of increasing cyber-attacks and the diversity of the Information Systems to be protected, the implementation of a Disaster Recovery Plan must be accompanied by an Operational Survival Platform (OSP), enabling the organization to carry out its essential missions, and in particular its communication.

Apitech and Métropole de Lyon present the challenges and implementation conditions facing an Operational Survival Platform. Métropole de Lyon thereby protects its communications (email, web, etc.) in the event of a cyber-attack.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

“Setting up a Responsible Digital program for the SNCF Connect product”.

Responsible Digital

Digital Responsibility is a continuous improvement approach that aims to reduce the ecological and social footprint of information and communication technologies. It is based on 4 pillars: accessibility, sobriety, confidentiality and respect for freedoms.
To support this ambition, the SNCF Connect & Tech group has set up a responsible digital program, co-sponsored by its Design, Tech and Product Management teams.
The Product & Tech team will present the implementation of the responsible digital program, the action lines and the first lessons learned.


  • Mellie La Roque

    - Service Designer, pilote programme numérique responsable at SNCF Connect & Tech | Coprésidente Designers Éthiques - SNCF Connect & Tech

December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

OSFarm : all you need is open source for your farm

Responsible Digital

An ecosystem of interoperable, sustainable and accessible solutions for the agricultural sector supported by its network of local experts to reinvent the agriculture of the future.
Innovation is now needed to reinvent agriculture but remains inaccessible to farmers (cost, maintenance, interoperability, support). The OSFarm project aims to lift these obstacles through open source and its assets (sharing, community, etc.). This project will also bring software and hardware solutions for all agricultural activities.


  • David Joulin

    - CEO of Ekylibre, co-founder La ferme digitale, co-chairman of NAOS - Ekylibre

December 07, 2023


Salle 142

Modern Web APIs and Too Much of a Good Thing

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

jQuery undeniably powers the web… Today, over 82 million websites use jQuery. jQuery changed the way developers built web applications and played a crucial role in JavaScript’s world domination.
This talk reveals some of the startling statistics and analysis of the impact jQuery has on today’s internet and the history of what made this library the powerhouse of the web.
In 2023, new frameworks, such as react, have taken over web development, but jQuery still lives on. Are there security risks? What would a world look like without jQuery? Are there modern alternatives and web standards to this library? What would be the reasons to switch to them and how? Is it possible to have too much of a good thing?
Imagine a future where the world relies less on this fundamental building block and why we might want to work towards that future.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

Three factors that are blocking contributions to your OS project

Policies, Strategy & Legal

When talking about contributing to open-source projects, it’s crucial to understand from a maintainer point of view what factors are stopping new contributors from contributing to your project. Whether your codebase is very overwhelming to the contributors for the first time or it lacks good first issues and enough responsive response to their problems. In this talk, I will explain how I built a campaign at Amplication that scaled the contributors from 30 to 200 in just one year and how it solved every problem I mentioned above.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

OpenSource Hardware

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

From the start of 3D printing, about ten years ago, to free telephones and computers, open source hardware has seen its spectre but also its adopting public expand. Huger projects, lowering component prices, direct access to manufacturers… Everything, or almost, is possible.
But there still are many challenges facing the community to develop further: patents, software lock, bottom-up innovation, crowdfunding, financing and licences are major and constantly changing subjects.


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

The DEEL open-source software suite for reliable, robust, and explainable AI

AI, Machine Learning, Data

As AI models demonstrate more and more capabilities, there is a growing need for robustness, reliability, and transparency to enable their application to safety-critical systems. The DEEL (DEpendable and Explainable Learning) project emerged five years ago as the first collaborative project on AI for Certified Systems. In five years of R&D, it has become a major player in safety-critical AI with many publications in top-tier venues and released several open-source libraries and datasets.
In this talk, we will showcase these libraries and illustrate their importance on a real-world open-source benchmark, also designed within DEEL, that consists of visual runway detection for automatic aircraft landing. We will show how the libraries of the DEEL software suite allow going beyond simple object detection and achieving explainability, data bias identification, probabilistic guarantees, anomalous data detection, and robustness against adversarial attacks.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

SPONSOR: BlueMind messaging for large organizations

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

Responding to the challenges of very large organizations is not just a matter of beefing up or stretching an existing product! It’s about building a solution tailored to the specific needs of the largest structures. As Europe’s leading provider of collaborative messaging solutions, BlueMind has built up considerable expertise in delivering a solution capable of satisfying the most demanding projects. Whether you’re a major corporation, a public authority or a government ministry, we’ll share our experience and expertise with you to help you succeed with your messaging projects.
In less than an hour, you’ll discover..:
– Problems specific to large organizations: cohabitation of different systems, sparse user population with different needs, etc.
– The major technical challenges faced by large organizations: hot updates, DRP, BCP, etc.
– The range of business functions that BlueMind deploys as part of its solution,
– Several key points of the BlueMind solution, enabling us to offer a collaborative messaging product perfectly adapted to the needs of large organizations.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

Understanding the reasons for a Fork. An essential step in the company’s strategic choice

Policies, Strategy & Legal

In open-source, the Fork is a means of expressing a new vision of a project or solution. It has its place in a strategic choice for a company/administration.
To understand the benefits of choosing a Fork, it’s important to have all the keys in hand, and to understand the reasons that triggered this action.
During this conference, we’ll take a look at the different types of Fork and the reasons for choosing one.


December 07, 2023


Salle 142

Evolving your APIs, a step-by-step approach

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

When you publish your first HTTP API, you’re more focused on short-term issues than planning for the future. However, chances are you’ll be successful, and you’ll “hit the wall”. How do you evolve your API without breaking the contract with your existing users?
In this talk, I’ll first show you some tips and tricks to achieve that: moving your endpoints, deprecating them, monitoring who’s using them, and letting users know about the new endpoints. The talk is demo-based, and I’ll use the Apache APISIX project for it.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

The Claroline history 20 year of free software : tech, communities, economy

Policies, Strategy & Legal

Claroline is a free software created more than 20 years ago. Many things have changed since then. The development of a large community and its suffocation, the creation and death of an international consortium, the rewriting “from scratch” of the software, the evolution of the financing model from subsidies to an economic model… In this session, I will share the highlights of the life of an “old” free software and try to understand its successes and failures. The aim will also be to share a human adventure because a free software, community and society is a human story even for a fundamentally corporate software like Claroline, as I will explain.


December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

Taking better account of diversity to better further the cause of Free software

Responsible Digital

As elsewhere, masculine domination is a problem in the IT world and in free software. To change things and allow women and gender minorities to feel comfortable, it is necessary to be empowered and to act.

April proposes to present and discuss actions that it has taken in recent years on gender diversity and inclusion within the association and its activities.

There will be a focus on the organization of the “Libre à vous !” radio program which aims to promote and give value to the women present in the free software world.

We will also cover the question of inclusive language, training, self-training, event organization, etc.

This presentation looks at gender diversity, even though diversity needs to be discussed and treated as a whole.


December 07, 2023


Salle 152

Confiance.AI – Toward a trustworthy AI

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Confiance.AI is a French public project dedicated to the study and development of tools for securing, making reliable and certifying AI-based systems.. Since its launch in 2020, access to open-source codes and datasets has greatly facilitated the work carried out by industrial and academic partners. In addition to the use of software tools, access to implementations of state-of-the-art AI methods has enabled numerous tests to be carried out to assess their robustness, explainability or contribution to trustworthy AI. The presentation will give an overview of the work achieved thanks to open-source and present in more detail a study on the use of synthetic and AI-generated data for the validation of deep learning models in the autonomous driving application context.


December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

Thales DIS on Open source business strategy with focus on RISC V

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

Thales, as major big tech companies, are consuming massively open source. What about contribution? What’s for? For which Business rational?
We will explore some ongoing Thales DIS initiatives in terms of Open Source, emphasizing 3 key topics
1. Open Source as business advantage
2. Open Source as a change in culture and mindset
3. Open Source as attractiveness of tech skills
Especially, we will go through Open Source Hardware, linked to RISC-V, that will capture more than 14% of all processor cores and more than $1.1 billion in revenue by 2025. We will present how Thales managed to combine open source and its own strengths, based on the open source CVA6 processor on which Thales is highly contributing, offering sovereignty, security and performance.


  • Anthony Bord

    - Open Source Strategy Expert, Thales DIS - Digital Identity & Security - Thales DIS SAS

December 07, 2023



Podcast – NoLimitSecu

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

NoLimitSecu is the oldest French-language podcast dedicated to cybersecurity, with over 7 years of existence and 450 shows to its credit. Its contributors come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and their debates are always frank and friendly. For more information: https://www.nolimitsecu.fr/

December 07, 2023


Salle 153b

What if Moore’s law was about to cease to exist?

Responsible Digital

Moore’s law has structured the history of digital technology since 1965. Its inventor, Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel, recently died. What if his eponymous law were to die with him?

Tristan Nitot offers a fictional outlook to imagine together what this would mean for the hardware and software industries. But also to see what would change in terms of the impact of digital technology on the climate (spoiler alert: a lot!).

Would it be the beginning of generative AI?
Would progress come to a standstill?
Would service providers have to close shop?


  • Tristan Nitot

    - Co-fondateur de Mozilla Europe, ancien DG de Qwant - Octo Technology

December 07, 2023


Salle 143b

When Thales meets Open Compute Project

Embedded, IOT, Open Hardware & Industry

Return of experience in a R&D context about the advantages of using OCP to build an edge datacenter.
Open Compute Project brings the following differentiators:
– sovereignty
– software driven hardware
– no vendor locking
In Thales domains these differentiators are essentials therefore we are experiencing OCP in our R&D labs to assess how we could build the future edge datacenters.
Through this talk I will give some retex about all the underlying OCP tenets :
– efficiency
– impact
– scalability
– openness
– sustainability


December 07, 2023


Salle 143a

Open Food Facts – running an Open Data Common, our feedback

Policies, Strategy & Legal

Open Food Facts, the open data database on foodstuffs, celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2022 with a brand new application, almost 3 million products in its database, more than 200 additional reuses of data and a first plan to participate in high impact projects like Nutri-Score and Eco-Score. In this conference, we will look at how this Digital Commons works and develops. What are the issues involved? How the projects create bonds with the general public, food industry, re-user applications, scientists, public organizations, private foundations and the contributor community. How can we be as open and transparent as possible?


December 07, 2023


Salle 153a

LinShare for ART – a transformative use case driving change

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

The main feature of the talk is Boris Van Der Beken’s presentation of the case use of LinShare within the ART (French transport regulation authority). Whether sharing large files, collaborating on sensitive documents or keeping precise file versions, LinShare has played a crucial role in improving the ART’s data management.

LinShare is open source secured file-sharing software. It is designed for businesses that need to share sensitive documents safely. The main functions of LinShare include file sharing, the sending of large files, access right management, end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication and tracking of activities.

LinShare has been broadly used within the French administration and also at the European Parliament for several years.


December 07, 2023


Salle 142

Maximize the Developer Experience with Backstage

Technologies (Web, Languages, Cloud, DevOps/SecOps, Infrastructure)

I will be delivering a presentation on how to improve the developer experience by using the Backstage Developer’s Portal. Backstage is an open-source platform that allows you to create your own developer portal. Many well-known companies, including Unity, Netflix, and Spotify, have already implemented this highly adaptable platform.
My discussion will center around the key features of Backstage, such as software templating, cataloging, searching, and a straightforward portal for all documentation. By utilizing Backstage, you can overcome various developer challenges, such as managing documentation, clarifying relationships between different parts of your software, identifying the responsible person for a particular module or source code piece, or launching a new project with best practices.
Furthermore, I will demonstrate how you can manage multiple applications from a single portal by creating plugins in the backend, and how you can enhance the user experience by offering.


  • Soumyadip Chowdhury

    - Software Engineer @Redhat | Educator @Println | Ex Bajaj Finserv, HoiChoi - Red Hat India Pvt. Ltd

December 07, 2023


Salle 152

SPONSOR: AI Uncovered: The Rise of Open Source Generative Models

AI, Machine Learning, Data

Join us as we explore the transformative role of Open Source Generative AI Models in democratizing AI and redefining creative boundaries. We’ll delve into both the remarkable possibilities they present across diverse sectors and the challenges that arise in their application. This conference is your gateway to understanding the evolving landscape of open source generative AI and its profound implications for the future.


December 07, 2023



Musique Libre KPTN concert

Digital workplace and corporate solutions

KPTN reveals its latest songs!



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