4 & 5
December 2024
Palais des congrès - Paris
Meeting with the european open source community

An event proposed by

Systematic (header)

and organized by

Infopro Digital Trade Shows

Experts involved

Members of the steering committee





Sales Director Public Sector - Energy and Industry




Systematic Paris-Region

Ludovic DUBOST

Founder and CEO


Creator of XWiki and CEO of XWiki SAS, Ludovic I’m the gentle organizer of the XWiki SAS company for now 20 years.

XWiki SAS, a European company based in France and Romania, only building free & open-source software leads the development of the XWiki Software used by thousands of organizations and helps companies and organizations all over the world organize, share, and collaborate on content. XWiki also leads the development of CryptPad (https://cryptpad.org), the E2EE Real-time Collaborative Suite.

I’ve been a speaker at various events including Paris Open Source Experience, FOSDEM, OW2 Conference, JDLL, Capitole du Libre, speaking about Collaboration Software, Financing FLOSS software and Privacy Solutions.

I’m also member of the OpenFoodFacts board.

Laurent MARIE

President and foundeur


Issu d’une formation technique puis commerciale, Laurent a longtemps évolué (depuis 2001) dans différentes entreprises spécialisées dans les technologies open source. En 2016, Laurent décide de fonder Worteks, une société exclusivement orientée sur l’expertise autour de l’open source. La société a d’abord acquis ses lettres de noblesses en traitant des problématiques avancées dans les domaines des infrastructures puis s’est rapidement investie dans le domaine de l’identité pour en devenir un acteur incontournable. Aujourd’hui, Worteks accompagne de nombreuses organisations, privées comme publiques, en Europe comme à l’international, et les aide à anticiper et relever les défis de demain.


Head of Digital eXperience solutions


Gilles VITON



Florent ZARA

Admin @ LinuxFr.org & Open Source/Innersource advisor @Henix

Association LinuxFr


Interested in joining the steering committee? 

The key missions

The steering committee is the main governance body for the event.It is responsible for the event’s organisation, positioning, programming and governance. It meets every month to monitor the production of the event and decide on its strategic direction.


Integration process

A new member may join the steering committee each year on the basis of free spontaneous application of the organisation.

The application period runs from the day after the event in year N-1 until 2 months after the event at the latest, in order for the candidate to be integrated in year N.

The following conditions apply:

  • To be a organisation – company, association, public body – operating in open source, participating in its ecosystem and carrying out an activity in Europe
  • To have exhibited at least two consecutive years to the Open source Experience​ event (as an exhibitor or a sponsor)


For more information or to submit your request, please contact Florence BLAZY – Coordinator of Hub Open Source Systematic Paris-Region



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