4 & 5
December 2024
Palais des congrès - Paris
Open source your IT solutions!

An event proposed by

Systematic (header)

and organized by

Infopro Digital Trade Shows

DEVOPS REX Conference

There’s plenty new this year at Open Source Experience, including the joint organisation of DEVOPS REX, the 100% Devops conference for the French-speaking world.

This 2024 edition of Open Source Experience will also mark the return of DEVOPS REX, the French-language devops conference, 100% feedback. After an absence of 4 years, this event, which is recognised by all devops players, will be taking place in the following locations at the same time and place as Open Source Experience.

The DEVOPS REX conference brings together high-level expertise and feedback. It focuses on feedback and practical applications of the devops methodology in business, highlighting its advantages, as well as its constraints and limitations.

Jonathan Clarke, founder of the DEVOPS REX Conference, which is now organised by Infopro Digital Trade Show, and for which he is now responsible for content:

When we created devops REX 8 years ago, we were looking to raise awareness in the IT community of the challenges of devops, which was still something of a novelty. At our last event in 2019, our ambition was to provide practical experience and, above all, to industrialise this methodology within companies. Today, the need has evolved but is no less strong: technological advances, the era of teleworking and cybersecurity threats are all current issues facing all companies, and devops REX aims to provide answers. I’m thrilled to be able to relaunch this edition with a programme that is true to our values: 100% feedback, with high-quality speakers, carefully selected topics, and presented by and for the devops players themselves.

CThis new edition of DEVOPS Rex will bring together 30 key players in the devops methodology. Leaders in the field will be brought together in a dedicated exhibition space at the heart of the exhibition hall, creating synergies between the two events and offering a unique opportunity for networking and discovering the latest innovations at both shows.

The DEVOPS REX conference will offer exceptional content for a fee. More than 600 participants are expected to attend this major event.

An event in synergy with Open Source Expérience :

Organising the event in conjunction with Open Source Experience makes sense, as it will enable us to pool our strengths to mobilise companies and manufacturers to develop the use of open source within their organisations. It also creates obvious synergies in terms of visitors: CIOs, CISOs, network administrators, developers, security directors, engineers, etc.


More information soon on https://devopsrex.fr 



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